Monday, May 29, 2006

Phoenix 100mm f3.5 macro lens with Nikon D70

A Salute to Phoenix 100mm f3.5 macro lens
One of the most inexpensive macro lenses out there for Nikons AF. As the above test shot on a Nikon D70 shows this lens is a winner for those who cannot afford $1oo's on a brand name macro lens. The phoenix (same as Vivitar) is tack sharp and produces stunning results. The build quality is suseptible to damage in the hands of a klutz. But with care this lens would be an asset to those getting their feet wet in marcro photography.
For the experimental kind the above lens produces magnification in the order of 1:2 if used reversed with a 50 mm normal lens. However for such a set up, the focussing distance becomes very close about 0.5 - 1 inch from your r subject. With that type of focussing distance it would not be adviseable to shoot anything that moves. But the results produced were anything but stunning. More in following posts.
The above shot was taken in daylight flourescent lighting indoors and an off camera external flash to fill in the shadows.
-By Kaushik Dwarakanath
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At 11:33 PM, Blogger jessica said...

Like the picture.

if you were to choose, you would rather be:
a. taxicab
b. anything
c. pinoy
d. a movie
e. a rumor


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