Thursday, September 21, 2006

Zoom through the exposure

Today I was fooling with my DSLR trying to get the zoom exlposion (zooming out during long exposure) technique perfect. After several attempts I was successful in getting a shot the resembled an exploding flower vase. However,
Since I had zoomed out during the exposure and stopped at a wider angle. I had imagined that would end up wiht an perfect image the displayed the zoom, I was dead wrong.
Not wanting to give up, I took a normal shot of the subject from the same focal length that I stopped at upon completing the zoom explosion shot . In photoshop elements using the zoom exlposion shot as the basis, I imported the normal shot as a seperate layer and adjusted the opacity of the normal shot on top of the zoom explosion shot, I experimented with different blending modes finally settling with Linear light. The result was the third picture, providing what I had pre-concieved when I began shooting.

Am sure the same effect can be achieved from any still shot using one of the many filters or special effects in photoshop elements. However, I have the satisfaction of not using any of those other than pictures I had shot. Your comments are most welcome.
- KD
Equipment - Nikon D70 with a 70-300 ED IF Nikkor Lens

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At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one KD


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