Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sunsets are about the Sun

When I see a spectacular sunset and have no camera on hand to capture the moment, I grind my teeth with regret. Well....what do you do if you are lucky to have a camera on hand and are staring at a one of these awesome sunsets?
You need to find a way to capture the sunset with the sun in it right. Well it would go a long way to include something extra the sunshines on. If you happen to see a body of water in front of you that is bathed by the sunlight. You are in great luck. This might add some interest to the shot. Such was the day and the scene when I captured the moment above. It was a reservoir close to my home and I had walked there with a camera to capture some water ripples. However even with the above I was not left with a element on the foreground other than the water reflection and most importantly the SUN. So I cliceked the shutter composing the shot to put the sun in the center.I was shooting slide film pushed 2 stops. That helped bring out the pop in the picture.
Shot with Nikon N80, on a kodak vs 100.

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