Sunday, February 03, 2008

Alpenglow or Alpenglühen in the Alps

I came across the phenomenon of Alpenglow while reading Galen Rowell's book "Inner Game of outdoor photography". His website features Alpenglow's in all forms on high mountain ranges. Mountaineers witness them on a regular basis almost. A few years ago, While visiting the swiss alps. we had started on a short hike between mountain villages of Murren and Gimmelwald in the Bernese Oberland. It was late hour of the evening, Walking back to Murren around sunset from Gimmelwald that was at a higher elevation, the view was breathtaking. At that time, I was still shooting film and my Nikon N80 had a roll of Fuji Velvia 50, the camera was dangling on my neck. The day had been clear with blue skys earlier and a little after the sun went down, I looked up and could not believe my eyes an Alpenglow. Then a brilliant almost red band of light crowned the peaks. The drama in color was heightened by the scatter of the snow.
I swung into action composing the shots and firing away. Soon the roll finished and I loaded another and squeezed a few more before it disappeared as soon as it had initially appeared. For the next couple of days I was there,I never observed another alpenglow. I was merely lucky to witness one of the best alepnglow's in my life.
But for someone on a mission of hunting an alpenglow, it would pay to do some research to be at the right spot and find out the direction of the sun and patiently wait for one to make an appearance.

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